artist:  Sabrina Gevaerd

Every time I dream of snakes,  they end up biting me and I wake up. But once I was able to dominate the snake and we became friends, so I could stay in the dream longer.

artist:  Felipe Ourives

I was locked in a closet and started to feel suffocated, someone opened it, I got out and realized I was on another planet. A planet with a red landscape, kind of Martian, and I could see a kart race from the window. At the moment I left the closet, I smelled something and after I woke up I kept smelling the same thing.

artist:  Sabrina Gevaerd

This is actually a nightmare. It was night and I was walking through a dark house with big windows, through which a weak light came in. I go to the bathroom and look at my reflection, but it looks a bit distorted. Actually, what I see it’s like “The Shadow”: my wild and dark side that holds aggressive impulses. That’s exactly what I saw. Around this image (of mine), some eyes were floating, which created a kind of psychedelic atmosphere. Anyway, it was a very significant dream. The next day I told all of this to my boyfriend and he suggested that I tried to say what that image was trying to tell me. I couldn’t, I just burst into tears. It was very intense. I still haven’t unravelled all of this in-depth, and I think that a drawing will help me confront this image. Or maybe, in some way, bear it with pride.

artist:  Felipe Ourives

It’s a recurring dream. I am traveling, and before a bridge there’s an entrance for one of those typical roadside restaurants, beside a river that starts before the bridge. When I stop the car and arrive at this side balcony, there’s a grey dog with her 5 or 6 puppies offspring, but the balcony has no floor, like the floor is made out of glass, and the river is actually at the base of a cliff. I look ahead and as I realize the river meets the ocean, a giant but narrow wave comes and takes us all: me, my car and the puppies.

I have this dream since I was 20 and it repeats itself once or twice per year, almost always the same: sometimes I am alone, sometimes I see people at the restaurant, but the puppies and the wave are always the same. I can recognize the restaurant and the bridge, they are from the entrance of the city of Rio Negrinho in the Santa Catarina state [in Brazil], from where a friend of mine threw himself with his car and died, so this dream has a lot to do with him and with the time when he killed himself. Despite the nature of the dream and of this memory, I don’t consider it a nightmare as I don’t wake up frightened or tired and the remembrance of the dogs makes me feel good.

artist:  Sabrina Gevaerd

I have a recurring dream where I always need to call someone, grab my cell phone, try to dial and fail to do it, then I realize it is a dream.

artist:  Leandro Lopes

I was falling for a long time, always turned up to the sky, I could feel the wind and the pressure of the fall. I see that the buildings are coming closer and think I will hit one of them and die, but I go through it, like I am in another dimension with no physical form, then I realize it’s my own building and I was already in my room. Quite spooked, I fall into my bed thinking I’m awake, but I wasn’t. I was lying on my bed, the room was dark, and I was tied by a shining rope of an intense yellow tone. I look around and there’s a person sitting on the corner of my room watching me, I can’t get out of there and the lack of facial expression on my watcher increases a sense of despair inside of me. I try to get out, each time harder, each time more desperate, and even knowing that it was all a dream, I couldn’t get out of it or wake up. After a long while, I give up and faint and at this moment and I wake up.

artist:  Felipe Ourives

I enter the front yard of a house through a gate and as I approach the house I realize there is a big rectangular aquarium with a shark inside. I feel fear, watch for a few seconds and quickly leave.
